The capital you've been looking for...

If your organization is advancing a charitable impact,
Venn offers access to flexible, below-market-rate capital
unlike anything that exists today.

Endless Possibilities

As long as each PRI meets these three requirements, PRIs are very flexible and can be made to any corporate form (nonprofits, LLCs, PBCs, etc.) to further any exempt purpose (education, environment, religion, etc.) using any financial tool (debt, equity, convertible notes, etc.).  And the diversity of PRIs doesn't stop there...

The possibilities are limited only by IRS guidance on charitable purpose, our collective creativity, and donor generosity.  Think big.  Think differently.

How it Works

Venn works with PRI recipients through a three-step process.


Step 1 - Design
Work with Venn to design a PRI to advance a charitable impact.

Step 2 - Fundraise
Partner with Venn to attract donor support for the PRI.

Step 3 - Execute
Put your vision into action for impact.

Importance of “Anchor Donors”

Venn’s model relies on third-party donors to capitalize its PRIs through a Venn Account. Venn does not currently have a general pool of capital from which it can fund any PRI.

This means that while we are eager to create customized PRI opportunities with recipients, we cannot actually capitalize them unless we find enough donors to provide the minimum amount. We call these crucial early donors “anchor donors.”

We have learned it is critical to identify anchor donors early on in our deal design process. Anchor donors may come from Venn’s existing network, but they most often come from the recipient’s network.

Having an anchor donor already identified moves the PRI process along quickly.