My PowerPak
Imagine you find yourself or your loved one in need of a care community, and precisely in that moment when you seek deeper understanding and support, you are unable to readily locate resources to address your needs. Instead, you spend hours and hours searching the internet and communicating with others in order to coordinate and organize care, educate yourself and keep others informed. My PowerPak seeks to free you from these tasks to focus on your or your loved one’s health, enabling you to easily and intentionally activate a care community and access valuable educational resources.
My PowerPak’s free platform is a one-stop, holistic tool kit that lays the necessary foundation to grow, engage and coordinate the care community for an individual or family in need. My PowerPak seeks funding to pilot the platform with nonprofit partners and their patients or clients and through that use, deepen its understanding of which features provide the greatest relief and/or should be added to improve the platform for all who use it.
Venn’s PRI will provide My PowerPak with concessionary working capital to assist it in developing and implementing these pilots with nonprofit partners, developing an android version of the app to expand the pilot opportunities, and adding features to its platform based on the learnings generated by the pilots.
Recipient Name: My PowerPak
Corporate Form: Delaware Limited Liability Company
Entrepreneurs: Krista O’Malley
Investment Sought: $200,000-$500,000
Amount Raised to Date: $200,546
Overview of Investment Terms:
10-Year Unsecured, Subordinate Loan
Accrues Simple Interest at 1% Annually
Payment Terms
End of Years 1 through 3: Interest accrues, not paid
End of Years 4 through 6: Annual interest-only payment for current and one prior year
End of Years 7 through 10: Annual interest plus 25% of the principal
The Original PowerPak